Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Unfair, Furious...

I'm sitting here, right in front of the laptop, feeling really unfair and upset.

Shock, is what you called it.

Maybe to others, it might seem to be only a minor problem, but to a competitive person like me, I'm really really feeling unfair. And when I know that there's nothing I could do about it, all I could do is going into a 'shock'/'trauma' state.

Right now, my mind is ..... BLANK ....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Time flies

Time flies.
We always say that.
Time flies without us noticing it.
But how many of us actually appreciate the 'time'?
Everyday, waking up, eat breakfast, go to school, eat, lectures, come back, eat, studies, and sleep. Routine goes on.
Before we noticed it, one week passed.
Before we knew it, one month passed.
When we looked back, one year passed.
To think that I will be reaching adulthood in just a few more months, it makes me wonder...
next time I looked back, what will I become?