Sunday, February 19, 2012

All my favourite BL books and recommendations part 9

WOAH! it's part 9 already.. so here goes the list again!~





My rating: ☆☆☆☆



类别:2攻1受,主仆,纠缠,虐身虐心,卑微受, BE
受爱着攻1,但攻1不珍惜,攻1 在一场比试中把受输给了攻2,攻2 爱上受,但因为受长的像侮辱他的仇人,翻不下戒心,毒打受一番,受被那仇人救,后发现是自己父亲,但这父亲并没把他当儿子看待,反用尽心机利用受。攻1和攻2陆续找到受,但因身上的伤,性命为在旦夕,父亲给他药丸,延续他一年的性命。。。 
My rating: ☆☆☆☆

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Planning trip to Bangkok

Once I heard from a friend of mine when he was drawing a map for another friend on places to visit said this
"I like planning for trips around."

And I came to realize that I myself love doing the same thing as well. :)

Well... where am I going?

We'll find out once I finished my trip.

This will be my first time going overseas. I'm so looking forward it~! n

Sunday, February 5, 2012

ACLS part 2

Since I wrote ACLS part 1 that I took the other day, perhaps I should write about the one that I retook. :)

I went to IMU that day, quite early to find out what time it will be hold and to attend my selective in the hospital that started on the same day. :)

It was a fruitful day, to be able to see my close friends after so long and to be independant (attend forensic apartment by myself) and to attend ACLS with confidence. :)

So this is the question that I got.

Patient came in with breathlessness, chest pain, suddenly went unconscious.

First thing CHECK responsiveness.
patient is not responding
Call for help.
Check pulse. (yay, I remembered!)
Pulse present.
So I said get my stuff to assist ABC by using oxygen mask. set up IV lines, get BP reading, and cardiac monitoring. BP was low. forgot how much..
The cardiac monitor shows 2nd degree type 2 heart block. (morbitz type 2)
I got it correct. :)
and so I said (to be safe) check for perfusion status. But if it's already type 2, the right thing is to start TCP right away. So anyway, perfusion status is poor, with all the symptoms going on and low BP, so I prepare for TCP.
while awaiting TCP, I'll start drug:
atropine 0.5mg every 3 to 5 min

then here's what I made wrong, forgot to check the effect. SO must check rhymtm again and pulse and BP.
it doesn't help
add in epinephrine 2-10microgram/min
or dopamine 2-10microgram/kg per min

check rhytm, the rhtyhm changed to ... shocking.. XD Ventricular tachycardia. (VT)
check pulse
no pulse
start CPR right away, prepare defib.
CPR for 5 cycles. no change, shock patient. 200 (for biphasic) and 360J for monophasic
and then resume CPR, check pulse and rhtyhm

pulse resume
rhymthm changed back to second degree heart block type 2

TCP was ready...
so leave to the professionals for that..
End of story..

that's what I got. :)
hope I pass this. :)

EDITED: passeddd! yay!