this is me at A & E, got nothing to do, posing. XD hey, this is my first photo taken in labcoat. wohoo. though, the labcoat was borrowed from my friend's father's shop. a little too big for me.
amniotic fluid, this color signified that the baby's in fetus distress. (If I'm not wrong)
Alright, I'm finally finished with my report. Later in the afternoon, I'm going to meet my new mentor to pass it up. What's written in the report were was happened during the elective, but not everything was recorded in it. haha.
It was fun, truly. I get to know new friend, a crazy friend. Lol... other than that, I got to witness many cases, patients, procedures. We were even offered to do the IV drip. The time we stayed was from monday to friday, from 8 till 5. But because I don't have the transportation, I had to stay until 6/7 for the first week. Lots of Unimas students who's also on elective come into the A & E department only after 5. The nurses said that there were lots more of patients and busier after 5.
I also see that how the doctors there were mostly MO and HO. Due to the fact that they are on call overnight at that department, they don't really have the enthusiasm to teach us. (not all, Dr Jesse was the best we met.)
At the O &G department, we got to witness baby birth. Aw... the baby was so cute. Really, I saw countless of baby delivered over the week. Some mothers took lots of time but some fast. I saw one of them, who took like... one hour for the delivery. She was an obese chinese. And she really took a lot of effort and was constantly at the point of giving up during the process. Okay, this is the bad part. At first, the nurses were advising and encouraging her nicely to push, teaching her the correct technique. But the mother couldn't get the correct method, and results in the baby couldn't reach the birth canal after half an hour. In the end, the nurses were becoming more impatient. I can't blame them because what they said was true. The baby was stuck in there for too long, no oxygen, it's bad for the health of the baby. The mother just had to suffer for a few minute, but if it delays, the baby might suffer mental problem for the rest of her life. Yes, it's a she. In the end, she managed to do it. luckily, phew.
on a side note, I kind of understand why M'sia government hospital lacked doctors. Look at their working schedule. Their working time for a HO were from 7 in the morning until 11/12 at night for the first 10 days at the new department. and then, the on call time will depend on number of people available in that department. Most of the things were left for the HO to do, and during on call, if there's emergency especially at the medical ward, I heard that it's the HO that'll be wakened up first. The HO has to solve the problem by him/herself before you can call up the MO. Ma, I guess, I'll worry about these later in my life.