Sunday, December 6, 2009

>>> 蓝淋的作家文集

Most of her characters in her books are inter-related. Try this page to see how they are connected.

New list pages

  这是第一部分 这些作品之间存在人物联系~

01、双程1 归途 陆风,程亦辰
  02、双程2 殊途 陆风,程亦辰
  03、双程3 如果 陆风,程亦辰
  04、双程4 房客 陆风,程亦辰
  双程番外:简单年代 陆风,程亦辰
  贪欢一晌 陆风,程亦辰
  双程之曲径BY 七七(蓝大的兄弟之作)秦朗,程亦晨(程亦辰
  双程之彼岸BY 七七 秦朗,程亦晨(程亦辰的弟弟)
  05、无处可寻 单行本 卓文扬,林竟 未完结
  06、不可抗力(上) 单行本 谢炎,舒念
  07、不可抗力(下) 单行本 谢炎,舒念
  08、兄有弟攻(上) 单行本 骆邵恭,骆邵友 兄弟恋
  09、兄有弟攻(下) 单行本 骆邵恭, 骆邵友 兄弟恋
  10、迟爱(上) 单行本 柯洛,李莫延(LEE) 假戏真做
  11、迟爱(下) 单行本 柯洛,李莫延(LEE) 百转千回
  12、逆风而行(上) 单行本 肖玄,欧阳希闻 师生恋
  13、逆风而行(下) 单行本 肖玄,欧阳希闻 挽回爱情
  14、无非爱恨 詹落,温庭域 律师文
  15、期待度 单行本 徐衍,颜可 明星情缘
  16、非友(上)单行本 杜悠予,钟理
  17、非友(下)单行本 杜悠予,钟理
  18、边躲边爱(A.S.A.P) 徐佐正,方其 安志洛,韦可东
  19、难言之欲(上) 单行本 肖蒙,林加彦
  20、难言之欲(下) 单行本 肖蒙,林加彦
  21、非卖品 单行本 叶修拓,林寒 后知后觉
  22、意外事故 容六,肖腾 未完结
  24、君子之交(续-童话)HE 任宁远,曲同秋
  25、错觉 段衡,乔四(待编辑) 未完结
  26、潘多拉的魔盒 多个CP,双程+无处可寻续,另有相关角色出场 未完结

  01、不可不爱 许尉御,承昊
  02、请勿靠近 章咛,李至炫 未完结


  01、101十一楼 一唯,咛浩
  02、十一楼之哭泣的狼之子(十一楼的番外) 杨苛自述
  03、拒绝,救赎 平卓原,平卓介 古文 坑
  04、深沈的河流 ?,修里 背景是西方,坑
  05、天真无邪 若典,钱笙池 坑
  06、狼的报恩 杨修远,路非 短篇
  07、骗子和我 李少非,萧慎,纪念 两攻一受


Was mentioned already in my previous post.


This is unfinished work. T_T so, didn't leave me much impression.


mentioned too. Love this two books for buying my tears.


Just finished. The seme is a thickheaded uke, nonetheless a cute plot.


For this kind of love, the uke 柯洛 is determined about the other seme that he loved, but the uke who was from 不可抗力 was in love with the other seme he liked. Sadly, LEE was desperately in love with 柯洛 despite his knowing that 柯洛 couldn't give up 舒念. It was an unrequited love for both 柯洛 and LEE. Their determination for each other hold on until the end of the second part. It was cute, and I couldn't help but think 'this is more like it.' with tears of happiness for them.



Hmm... 介绍了很多人物角色,先看了。 两人分分合合。最后是因为听闻杜悠予的爱情史,使钟理彻底对他失望,故事进入高潮。看杜悠予如何使钟理重新接受他。


This is kind of short... and gave me a so so feeling because I kind of forgot the plot after I read it. A male who bought a MB, 叶修拓 for a one night stand because the person who he liked couldn't love him back. But when that person returned his feelings, 林寒 有点动摇了。但是,当他发现自己对叶修拓 念念不忘时,惊觉原来最爱的人才是他。可是,自己的不确定,反而使 叶修拓 无法只接他的客。。。
Plot that draws my attention the most is that the ending let us wonder what other occupation the seme is.

Love love love this. :)


The uke is the seme's teacher. They got together quite often n walked closely to each other, mostly it was because the seme staying over at his house, for study, eating, etc. He lied to the uke about his family's poorness while the fact is that his family background is really strong. As time passes by, the uke realized that he had fallen deeper and deeper for the seme which he knew it was forbidden given their student-teacher relationship and the fact that the seme is still under-aged. But they succumbed to it. When one day, the uke found that about the lie of his family, and was about to ask him about it, he overheard another lie. The seme was only playing around with his 'love'. It hurts him straight to his heart and left the seme. He was forced to resign from the post too because of his claims that the uke seduced an underaged teenager. Angry and sad, the uke left the school. The seme came back to look for him, countless of times, to the point that the uke given in to him. The seme asked him out at one night.
When uke went to meet him, he found out that he was tricked, being beaten by a gang. He later found out that it was an order from the uke. (the fact is that they only called '肖少爷' and they were referring to the seme's brother) The beating had left him scars, and damages that could not be cured.
Years later, he met the seme again. Bearing that scars in his heart, he did not dare to be too close to him. He tried to date a new person, but he still could not forget him. In the end, they still broke up because rumor is that the seme seduced his 'bf'.
He re-entered for the lecturer post in university, and got selected in T uni. There, he met 林竟, 卓文扬. shocked by 林竟's confessions, he rejected him.
The seme still came looking for him every now and then. Until one day when he saw his engagement on the news, he couldn't stand it and threw cruel words to make him leave. He begins to meet up with dead ends again in works, police, etc... He thought of the seme's works again years earlier, the same methods.
The seme came back for him. They tried to talk in the car, and suddenly a gun shot was heard, the seme was hurt. He was rushed to the hospital. The uke finally found out that it was his brother's works all along, even the beatings six years ago were not the seme's fault....





Short but sweet. :)


Okay... it's a good fic but not very detailed/sad.

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