The first pic from here hadn't read this one yet.
Due to the fact that I can't bookmark/register at that site (it needs money, man...) and because i found that there are a lot of story that I read and come to love. XD again, I needed to made a personal bookmark for it. so here I am again. :XD:
☆: Characters are not well developed, the writing style are not that great. I might be able to remember the plot but the story isn't my taste.
☆☆: Characters are developed, writing style is okay. The plot isn't good, can't really remembered it, but it's still not bad.
☆☆☆: Plot okay. I might like the writer's writing style. Characters well developed.
☆☆☆☆: Everything are good. But it's still not enough to make it my favourite.
☆☆☆☆☆: Everything are GREAT. It's my favourite book that's worth reading again and again.
As said in my previous blog, I love this story. The best I had come across. Though I really wished to find a colored version of feng ming and rong yoe. :sigh:
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
2. All 风弄's works
Yeah, I'm in love with all her works. ^^
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
It's too bad that it requires VIP registered account to be able to read chapter 74 onwards. T_T so, I didn't manage to finish this great book. T_T
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
4. 父债子偿
http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/77556/index.htmlNot really my taste because the story progress a little too fast. and everything seemed quite fake, but it's really new and the author is updating very fast.
Plus, i do want to know what happened to the couple. :D
My rating: ☆
5. 质子殿下
类别: 穿越,轻松http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/67722/index.html
Why is it a VIP again? T_T This one is great too. :D kind of similar to the third one.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
6. 新黑公子传奇(黑蛇传)
http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/22442/index.html7. 我是神兽不是神受
类别:4P, H居多http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/27936/index.html
A 3P/4P fic.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆
8. 流年忆(强攻弱受,微虐)
Angsty type, it has a similar feeling to 并非阳光. This is one of the my favourite novels. :) AND one of the rare novel that made me drop tears.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
9. 夜泉
Extra written: http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/32426/index.html类别:虐心,虐身, 校园,血腥
divided into two parts. and it's still unfinished. T_T Schooling is supposed to be a very bright novel, but this novel is a dark one. Rape, bully, murder, blood, torture, all kind of dark acts are included. Why is it divided into two parts? Well, the first one was written by Fatty but he/she didn't finish/not a good ending. So, the new writer wrote a sequel for it.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
10 骗子和我 by 蓝淋
类别:校园,3P, 强攻弱受, 虐心
I heard about this author before, and decided to start with the shortest novel that was recommended in her lists. And wow. I was happy to have discovered it. :D angst, a bit but happy ending.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆
Extra: http://www.lcread.com/bookPage/66780/index.html类别:虐心, 现代,强攻弱受
A gay x straight guy story.
A bit angst.
Strong seme and weak uke
The stubborn seme didn't want to admit his love for the uke, but he doesn't want him to leave his side. He let him live in his house when he was cheated by a girl, they started doing it. But the uke is straight, and it is hard to get this uke to fall in love with him, and what made it more difficult is that, the seme is stubborn and didn't want to admit his love to the uke too!
This is a really sweet story. ^^ I love the stubborn seme. His way of showing his affections melted my heart. :D
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
类别:虐心,校园,现代,成长,wa... 把我弄得一把鼻涕,一把泪的。写的真是一个‘绝’字!描述了一对兄弟各自的坎坷禁恋。 原本以为是一个青春校园故事,可作者描述的却是一段真实世界里,同性恋们会遇到的种种难体,社会唾弃,父母反对。。 重要的是这还是第一个我看到角色进入到年老时期。也不是太老啦,是40余岁。
“ 两个男人之间,即使到了我们这样的年纪,也还是没有婚姻,没有责任,和男女不一样。
In English:
"The difference between two men and a normal couple love, is that between two men, once they stepped into our ages, since there is no bound of marriage, there won't be any responsibilities.
With only the love they have for each other...
When one said he no longer love, he is tired, even sex is not needed, then, that will be the end for them.
There is no indemnity... between man and man."
EDITED: 看了第二次,没想到还是弄得我狂掉泪,是我太感伤还是什么。。。 但就是写的很好。
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
13. 一个爹爹三个娃
类别:搞笑,轻松Funny. Very Funny. The uke is a father of three sons, and his ignorance towards the biggest son's love is exaggerated enough to make you want to hit the wall. There isn't much mutual love in this novel due to the ignorance, needless to talk about the H scenes. XD but it's still, good. :)
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆
不可抗力(下) by 蓝淋
类别:虐心,强攻弱受,主仆I'll quote what the reviewers said,
It's exactly what I felt. :) Even though I know it's not real, I couldn't stop my tears from rushing out. Not the type of crying that needed to feel after reading. I cried along with the story. T_T My throat just go tightened and tears dropped.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
缠 by apple000777
-- another 经典的。作者的文笔真是好。那H的更是好!
Rating: ☆ ☆ ☆
16. 囚
类别:校园,虐心, 囚禁,现代,强攻强受 (个人认为受害算坚强)孤儿孟浩天被齐思音的父亲所收养,而齐思音与他的朋友韩静.方唯都对孟浩天有兴趣,而韩静那变态的表达喜爱的方式令孟浩天苦不堪言,于是齐思音从韩静手 中"要来"了他,而孟浩天并不知道,在齐思音手中要比在韩静手中危险数倍...于是,孟浩天便又被“囚禁”在齐氏集团公子齐思音“变态”的“爱情”中,身 心倍受虐待,而韩静与方唯的“追求”更让浩天的情况雪上加霜...之后他还被齐家人出卖给了敌人,而齐思音也毅然为了他而放弃结婚,但是孟浩天会接受扭曲 却真实强烈的爱么?而最后,他又会接受谁?
This is okay... didn't get my tears. :) but I like the story. the ending was abrupt, and I kind of wish the uke confirm his feelings of love for the seme. anyway, it's a happy ending.
My rating: ☆
My rating: ☆
The first part of the story was okay, but when the second part came, I couldn't help but wanted to go punching the uke. I wished he wasn't so determined with his ex (even though undeniably the other seme really loved him), keep on rejecting the seme that I liked. :P and until the last chapter, I still wondered, if this pair will get together.
Luckily, they got together, or at least, the writer gave us a feeling that the uke finally accepted the seme. Feeling a little bit unsatisfied with the ending. It's like going round and round a big circle and then only they returned to the set point.
My rating: ☆ ☆
好人难为 by 易人北
类别:强攻弱/强?受,现代,黑心腹攻,Heard about this author some time ago from somewhere. Indeed, I love this one. The seme was really bad in the first place, bullying the weak, poor uke from the start. Gave me a feeling of okane ga nai, but this uke is very strong in heart, which is why I like it more than OGN. The front part was a little angst, but it became really funny and cute towards the end.
My rating: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆
Note:I re-read this again. T_T
Another legendary great angsty story. The specialty about this book is the, the main characters. We can't be sure who's the uke who's the seme. The seme gave us a feeling of weakness (the typical uke) but when it comes to the first time sex, (and the one after they got together), he becomes the seme. And the supposing-ly uke is the one who tortured him and locked him up etc etc. I admired the author's thinking & plot, leads me back to the time when I did my own fanfic. A lot of things are complicated, and you can''t really understand what's going on when you're reading, eg. some little details. But after you finished the whole book and you tried to connect them together, it's really good and touching. Good, I especially love the extras.
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
类别:强攻强受,现代,虐心,黑心腹 & 受,如果只能在夜晚爱上你,
Was on the verge of letting go of this book at the start because it was boring.. but it gets better and was about to cry when the main character died. Lol. turned out that it was fake. they started a new life together.
My rating: ☆☆
My rating: ☆☆
Date finished: 14th Dec类别: 强攻强受,现代, 校园
My rating: ☆
by 易人北Date finished: 16th Dec
果果从小看着少爷长大,没想到一直跟随身旁喊着果果,果果的孩童在成年后竟然也和别人一样不把自己当人看。他不明白,继承其美母亲的眉目,综合上其父的线 条分明──挺直的鼻梁,削薄的嘴唇,坚毅的下巴的面孔,不知倾倒了多少待字闺中的佳秀,荡漾了多少已为人妇的寂寞春心的少爷,要什么样的女人没有?为什么 老是抓住他来发泄性欲呢???
Finally am able to read a satisfying novel. :yay: 易人北's works are great. *added to my favourite authors list*
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
Date finished: 17 Dec类别:强攻弱受
love this one.
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
Date finished: 23 Dec
类别: Fantasy, 虐心, 强攻强受, 历史
The relationship inside here is messed up and a tragedy for everyone inside. The plot is superb. I was actually complaining about how sudden the truth is revealed at the ? chapter. and I thought that it was all a joke but no.. And the angst is there. I love the way the writer arranged the plot, but sadly, what's lacking in here is.... it's unfinished!! T_T
My rating: ☆☆☆
类别: 虐心主角:石斌(小攻)
not really a angsty fic. There's no sex too. but What is really great about this fic is the characters. It's really hard to find a fic like this couple. Both of them aren't really straight with their feelings. The seme is really bad to the uke, he hit him, kicked him, and bad-mouthed him but he actually really loved the uke.
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
类别: 虐心, 校园,黑道,类似"夜泉"
My rating: ☆☆☆
无法 part 1
类别: 虐心, 校园, 现代, 类似 弄风的 未曾忘记那年下雨的高三毕业旅行,向德恩与三个死党无聊的玩起国王游戏。注衰的他连庄输家,惹上了莫东紫、方温奇、姬流这几位校园风云人物,将自己的身心搞得几乎破碎。
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
马夫 (上)
类别:贱受,虐心马夫一点一滴的慢慢把陆弃拉拔长大,不但教他武功,还疼他疼到连身体也给了他。马夫不求什么,只想那小狼崽子别忘了自己。只是当陆弃功成名就时,见了新人忘旧人,这一切全成了马夫自以为是的独角戏…… .
Dun really like this book because of the characters. Even though it's said to be a really good angst story. The uke kept on shamelessly clinging to the seme who doesn't like him, and the seme was cruel to abandon the uke with words and everything.
My rating: ☆
类别:清水,师生The uke teacher 'attacks' the seme after he was drunk. The seme was disgusted by it originally, but he gradually realized his love towards the uke and confessed. The uke has a weak personality and is always afraid, and has low self-confidence. Due to the seme's family background, he was forced to leave the country to further his study. The seme didn't want to wait for him because he didn't want to delay/destroy his future. To make the uke believed in him and that he will come back for him, "I love you." is the only three words that the seme wanted to hear from uke as his confirmation. Time limit was until the time before he boarded his plane. Receiving no call or news from the uke, he waited and waited, until he was at the verge of giving up and the uke finally appeared by his gate.
My rating: ☆
BY lolovi (现代年下虐文HE)
I love it too. :) The story plot is really unusual. Unusual as in you can't expect what's happening if you don't read this. Because a typical uke will not dare to do things like 'chop off seme's finger, kill seme's family, torture seme etc' but this uke will and will never hesitate. and the meaning behind all this torture are .... kind of special. :]
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
Taken from here, part 2 or Here
The seme is the uke's slave. For ten years, he stayed by his sides, with brain better than the master. But in the end, uke realized that it was all an act, to trick him into telling a secret, a betrayal. That resulted in a killing of all his family members in front of his eyes, he alone survived and was turned into a 'sex slave' for the seme, the uke couldnt' forgive himself, couldn't forget how his mother and family hatred at him before they died. When hurting the seme couldn't work out, he tried to hurt himself. But was stopped, drugged, returned, drugged. In the end, when the seme accepted the offer to marry a princess, he killed the princess just because he heard his ukes cried behind the curtain. They ran away. The seme was still not satisfied. He wanted the strength and power back. And started to team up with another king. The king had eyes on the uke, try to rape him but was killed by the uke in his defense. He got more freedom but was still unsatisfied, he didn't understand why the seme cared about the wealth and power. When uke learnt that the raping was planned by the seme, he planned for death.The uke jumped off the cliff in front of the seme, saying the words he had once promised the seme "I promised you I'll not die before you do."
he did not die, hid underneath, waiting for the seme's response. Just as he thought that the seme did not care for him, and was about to jump off himself,. he saw him, in the air, wearing expressions of shock to smile and down towards the death. He follows.
Woah. THIS IS THE ONLY FIC that I had read where both the characters die. T_T Real good...
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
类别:囚禁,年下受,黑心腹攻The niece fall in love with his blood-unrelated uncle when he caught him having sex with his father. After his father death, he gained control and power. He started his move and showed his affections to his uncle. The uke couldn't accept it, decided to run away. Seme did not allow and track him down, using his little brother (同母异父)as bait. Out of love, uke came back for his brother, resulting in him and his brother being held captive. Uke tried to escape from the place but failed. He was on the verge of killing himself when help came. He managed to escape once more and decided to seek revenge. He succeeded and freed his brother from the seme's control. They ran out of country. The seme still managed to come back to him after two months. The ending was kind of ... giving us wide imagination. :) seems like uke did accept him.
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
My rating: ☆☆☆☆
类别:囚禁, NP, 虐心Two semes locked up the uke and his only son for eight years. Uke wanted to escape but for the sake of his child, he bears down all the humiliations. As the child grows up and started to understand what is going on, he begins to try escaping, but in vain. One of the semes gave him up and left, but came back again after a year.
I like the prequel, there's more plot to it and romance but it's unfinished!!! >.<>骗局
向来心高气傲的蒋行磊无意中得知这个当了他论文的土气男教师是个同性恋后, 一场恶意的计划便在友人们的怂恿下形成了。 剥下那道貌岸然的外皮,他要看看将会是怎样一副脸孔! 将鄙夷包裹在温柔之中,他冷笑着向原庭信靠去…… 一切只是一场骗局而已,为了嘲弄那扭曲变色的面孔! 「老师,不如和我交往吧。」 在向好友告白失败后,对于这个莫名接近他的男孩忽来的请。。。
My rating: ☆☆
《夹心生活》 BY:花开的表情 (完结) 受升职了和朋友们去庆祝,同事给小受定了一位牛郎想叫小受快活快活,可是受却喝多了,迷迷呼呼的在马路上遇到了一对双胞胎, 双胞胎QJ了小受,自此3人开始了同居生活。 无法从双胞胎编织的网中逃离,小天从反抗到绝望,从绝望到适应,最后是怎样栽进了爱情这个深渊里,朋友的远离,只是单单作为一只宠物而活着,这样被给予的爱情又能多长久? 一生,就此毁灭。 《燃》+《燃着》虐心文~ 被抛弃的小受(简直就是小铁人)+霸道攻 (完结) will continue to add. :wahaha:
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