This is my Izzi broadband speed.
and The second one is P1 Wimax. Home Plus.
But in comparison, Izzi might be better than P1 wimax which has a limit of 20 Gb. Once the 20 Gb is up, the speed dropped down to a incredibly fast rate. Heard a lot about complains on P1 wimax, and here is one from me. The billing has problem. the first month calculated was supposed to be paid with RM 70, but the billing on my account showed RM 113. when my mum and me confronted the booth where we purchased this, they agreed that P1 might have make a mistake with this. And they told us to call directly to enquire about it. The thing is... when I called the headquater, they told me to go directly to the HQ. Their excuse is, they made a mistake in our package, something about 'what's written here isn't Cut Now Promotion package' but other (which I don't know) so, I hv to go to the HQ and showed the billing to them. I mean what the heck>> Do you know how troublesome it is for one to travel from Bukit Jalil to Petaling Jaya WITHOUT transportation? Teksi? Walau, you eat money ah?! Lrt also not cheap, okay? Even if we can reach their through lrt, still need teksi to go to God-know-how-far place. -_-. isn't this supposed to be done by the people?? Why need to waste our precious time, money and effort to travel so far there JUST TO PROVE that we're using the right package?? -----
Hi There,
I'm from P1WIMAX online social media team. Just to drop by and said hi :)
I sincerely like to express regret about all the incident that you’ve experienced previously it’s really galling as I read thru your blogs about our service that we’ve delivered...
do you mind provide me your a/c no for further investiagtion?
I will be glad to assist you :)
P1 Buddy
Care line 1300800888
thanks for offering. it can't be helped. I think the fault is that the promoter misread/misinterpret that my bill is able to be used as the 'proof' for the 'cut' promo, and she didn't inform us that we need to send a copy of it to p1 headquarter. and that p1 assistant at the headquarter blame us ourselves for not reading the terms and conditions. -_- I paid izzi by one go (a year) back then and didn't receive any bill computer-printed, hard-copy, what-ever-they-called-it receipt.. anyway, I was speechless with frustration back then.
thanks for reading this, P1 Buddy.
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